Revd Gary Norman

07368 227140

Please note: Gary’s rest day can be a Friday or a Saturday and response times will sometimes take longer at weekends

Church office

Alex Fleming

Church Administrator

Opening hours:

Monday – Wednesday
9.00am – 2.00pm


The Church Office
St Mary’s Church
Church Street
Hertfordshire WD3 1JB

01923 721002

Telephone directory

The dialling code for all numbers is 01923 unless otherwise specified

If no telephone number is listed, please get in touch via the Church Office.

Churchwardens David Carruthers
Martyn Gowing
Roger Willett
07831 387541
07742 569969
07709 979607
PCC Secretary Buzz Coster 07711 567864
PCC Treasurer Adam Shiels
Electoral Roll  John Glidden 01923 223613
Charitable Giving Committee Rob Kay (Chairman)
Church Giving Advisor David Gilbert 07955 279583
Community & Events Team Judith Haigh (Co-Chairman)
Fran Willett (Co-Chairman)
07592 528819
07834 385543
Fabric & Churchyard Committee Martyn Gowing (Chairman) 07742 569969
Mission & Outreach Committee David Carruthers (Chairman) 07831 387541
Stewardship & Finance Committee John Glidden (Chairman) via Church Office
Safeguarding Hilary Stevenson 07840 564221
Website Buzz Coster 07711 567864
Altar servers Sue & Chris Hillier 01923 779580
Bellringers David Hibbert 01923 773735
Intercessions Jean Dodds
Lesson readers Sue Hillier 01923 779580
Organist Andrew Sykes 01923 718561
07943 601717
Sacristans David Gilbert & team c/o Church Office
Welcomers David Carruthers 07831 387541
Bible Reading Fellowship Sue Hillier 01923 779580
House groups 1st Wed (am): John Shaw

2nd Wed (eve): Jane Pummell

01923 775219

01923 774343

Baptism (Christening) Church Office 01923 721002
Confirmation Church Office 01923 721002
Children’s Communion (children aged 7+) Church Office 01923 721002
Home/hospital visits Church Office 01923 721002
Wedding bookings Church Office 01923 721002
Children’s Church: Meets during the 10.00am service (term-time only) Jean Dodds via Church Office
Girlguiding UK
St Mary’s CofE School 01923 776529
Community & Events Team Judith Haigh (Co-Chairman)
Fran Willett (Co-Chairman)
07592 528819
07834 385543
Coffee After Church (Parish Breakfast) Anne Kay 01923 773470
Handbell ringers Geoff Hall 01923 720543
Lads Who Lunch Martyn Gowing 07742 569969
Motley Crew drama group  Chris Hillier 01923 779580
Sunday Lunch Club Gill Gowing
Maxine Platzman
01923 777715
01923 896622
Fabric & Churchyard Committee Martyn Gowing (Chairman) 07742 569969
Church Centre Bookings 01923 721002
Flowers Lizzie Tims 01923 770397
Library Tracy Phillipps
Steeple keeping David Hibbert 01923 773735
Children’s Society Janet Lucas
Janet Page
Margaret West
via Church Office

If you’re new at St Mary’s and would like someone to get in touch or visit you, please contact the Church Office.
The church is usually open from 9.30am-4.00pm and you are welcome to pop in either to have a look around or for quiet prayer.

Would you like to keep in touch with what’s happening at St Mary’s?