St Mary’s is located in the centre of Rickmansworth on Church Street. With its tall 17th century tower, it’s easy to spot.
The nearest car park is in Bury Lane. Please note that this public car park operates a ‘Pay & Display’ system during weekdays. It is also one of the few long-term car parks in Rickmansworth and therefore fills up during the working week. Certain areas of this car park are for named business users, other spaces are available for different periods of time – it’s a bit confusing so please check carefully when you park.
There are a number of short term car parks in the town centre which operate a ‘Pay & Display’ system Monday-Saturday (the first hour is free). Be warned – the traffic wardens in Rickmansworth are fierce!
St Mary’s Church
Church Street
The Church Office is open from 8.30am-2.00pm, Monday-Wednesday.
Telephone: 01923 721002