A new way to discover the Bible

  • Does reading the Bible seem difficult for you?
  • Do you have the confidence to pick it up and read it?
  • How does the Bible relate to us?
  • How can we fit its message into our lives?

The Bible Course may well be what you are looking for.

This course, promoted by The Bible Society, aims to increase our confidence, equip us to read the Bible and help us to see its relevance to daily life.

It provides a birds-eye view of the world’s bestselling book and along the way we will pick up the tools and skills to apply God’s teachings to everyday life.

  • You’ll see how the books of the Bible are part of one big story
  • Using a unique storyline, The Bible Course will show you how key events, books and characters fit together
  • Through video, guides and diagrams you will grow in confidence as you read the Bible for yourself
  • It’s relevant whether you are new to the Christian faith, have been worshipping for many years or know nothing at all about Christianity but are curious to learn

The course consists of eight interactive sessions, with video, group discussion, personal reflection, readings and, importantly, the chance to learn together.

You can also find out more from The Bible Society website.

The Bible Course books

Sue Howse and Sarah Brameld ran this course earlier this year and, following great feedback and new enquiries, will be running it again this autumn.

At the moment, they are identifying the best times and days so, if you’re interested in coming along, let them know what works for you.

To find out more, call:

  • Sue Howse 07788 871911
  • Sarah Brameld 07766 103882